YesseninRiiid Teamblog KR요새 Github 릴리스 노트를 누가 수동으로 만드나요!? 🤮iOS 개발자로서, 저는 원활하고 효율적인 릴리스 프로세스가 얼마나 중요한지 잘 알고 있습니다. 이 프로세스에서 가장 중요한 부분 중 하나는 GitHub 저장소에 있는 각 새 릴리스에 대한 버전 태그와 릴리스 노트를 생성하는 것입니다. 이 작업은…May 3, 20231May 3, 20231
YessenI am sick of making Github release notes! 🤮I have seen the importance of having a smooth and efficient release process. One of the most important parts of this process is generating…May 3, 2023May 3, 2023
YesseninDeem.blogsiOS | CI on fastlane and github actions [1]How to integrate CI into your ios project using Fastlane and Github cloud.Apr 22, 2022Apr 22, 2022
YessenGreat explanation of basics of Github Actions!One of the benefits of Github Actions is that it is free for the 2000 minutes a month, and unlimited for public repositories!Apr 12, 2022Apr 12, 2022
YesseninDeem.blogsCleaning up massive UIViewController by separating view.How to use loadView() function properly in UIKit?Mar 13, 20222Mar 13, 20222
YesseninDeem.blogsFactory pattern and DI in swiftIn my previous article I was explaining one of the ways of reducing the amount of lines in your ViewControllers and making it more readable…Feb 16, 20221Feb 16, 20221
YesseninDeem.blogsHow to make your code cleaner and more readable in UIKit? Introducing Reusable UIKit viI have explained about differences between storyboard UI and programmatic UI in one of my previous articles. However, if you will just…Feb 15, 20221Feb 15, 20221
YesseninDeem.blogsScript for opening autolayout warnings in wtfautolayoutDuring the run time, sometimes developer can notice messages in the XCode terminal saying:Feb 11, 2022Feb 11, 2022
YesseninDeem.blogsDelegation using ProtocolsI guess mostly everybody has heard the term “protocol” during iOS development. However, not everybody knows what is it and how to use it…May 17, 2021May 17, 2021
YesseninDeem.blogsUI Layout in IOS: Storyboard vs ProgrammaticIf you are an IOS developer, you for sure should know that there are many ways of setting the layout of UI in applications. Where every…Mar 17, 20211Mar 17, 20211